62 First Podcast Ideas for Your Debut Episode

Are you thinking of starting your own podcast but struggling to develop the first podcast ideas for your episodes? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Starting a podcast can be exciting and fulfilling, but choosing a topic that aligns with your interests and resonates with your target audience is crucial.

How to End A Podcast

In podcasting, it’s just as essential to make an exciting ending that leaves your viewers wanting more.

But as a podcaster, have you ever thought about how to end a podcast episode that leaves listeners both satisfied and wanting more in the last few minutes?

5 Steps To Promote Podcasts on Social Media

Each week 250,000 podcast episodes are published. All trying to get listeners’ attention. How do you cut through the noise and promote a podcast to stand out? The answer is not simply social media, but using social media effectively. I’m Niall Mackay, The Podcast Guy. I’m here to share with you what I’ve learned about … Read more

How To Find Guests For Your Podcast

Podcasting is popular because you can be heard, share ideas, and connect with people. However, interview podcasts sometimes struggle to locate guests who can improve their work. In a world full of specialists, thought leaders, and high-profile individuals, how to find guests for your podcast who fit your theme? What makes a good podcast guest whose experiences fit your show’s themes?