10 Podcasters Share What They Wish They Knew Before Starting
Many podcasts stop by the seventh episode! One of the main reasons is that many people start a podcast without realising how much hard work and time it takes.
Vietnam’s top podcasters share their tips to help you prepare for starting your podcast and avoid this!
“I wish I’d known how much work is actually involved in it. “
Kerry Newsome
What About Vietnam?
What do you wish you know before you started podcasting?
Moni Lê
If I knew the amount of inspiration and deep connections I could gain by interviewing guests from all walks of life, I’d have started much earlier. The fulfilment from podcasting completely overpowers the initial discomfort and all the work behind.
Creators In Vietnam

Niall Mackay
How many downloads to expect! It’s one of the most common questions you see people ask in Facebook groups. For the longest time I never knew and thought I was doing terrible.
Then I found that if an episode get’s more than just 30 downloads in the first 7 days you’re in the top 50% of podcasts worldwide!
Podcasting is growing but still small. So be proud of your numbers, whatever they are, be consistent with quality content AND promoting.
A Vietnam Podcast & Did That Really Happen?
A Vietnam Podcast
Did That Really Happen?
Kerry Newsome
I wish I’d known how much work is actually involved in it. Originally I thought the best part of the work was going to be in the production/editing and delivery side of podcasting. But it’s the set up, post production and marketing that takes up almost as much time, or more.
What About Vietnam podcast

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Matt Cowan
I wish I’d known how crap the analytics are for podcasters to get a better idea of episode performance, especially compared to YouTube. Let’s hope the new video feature with Spotify has better analytics.
*Matt uses Anchor as their podcast host. Seven Million Bikes recommends using Buzzsprout. Check out our Refer A Friend link if you are looking for a podcast host platform. They provide detailed stats
The Bureau Podcast
Jeremy Long
Not to eat spicy tacos the night before that trigger acid reflux in the middle of a question.
But seriously, I wish I’d paid more attention to small details like intro and outro music, how to sign off, and other things that when done right, make each episode feel much more professional to the audience. So while not paramount to the quality of the show, they can make a significant difference right from the start.
Soundscape Vietnam

Conor Kelly
I wish I’d known exactly how much you learn, improve and benefit from the guests you meet. Their insights and experiences shared in a podcast (a unique form of conversation), can be a catalyst for wide ranging and enormous personal growth. If I’d truly known this, I would have started much sooner.
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Damien Cole
That I would have to switch from doing in-person interviews to doing online Zoom calls because of the lockdown/pandemic. I had a studio set up and I wanted to interview travelers when they came through the city, but we closed the borders soon after I started the podcast so that was out of the question. Doing interviews on Zoom has actually not been that bad and I have been able to interview people from all over the world such as Africa and Philippines.
XLT Podcast
Chris Nguyen
Not every person you get along with is perfect for a podcast. Some people get really nervous, feel awkward when the mic is on, or just interrupts all the time. Best way to see if they’re a good match is record and zoom call and watch it back.
The biggest learning from doing podcast is that I prefer short and well planned projects compared to weekly scrambles to find topics to talk about. You can be more methodical, more thoughtful with your commentary, and audiences can tell.
Ranting Bananas
Mike Tatarski
That you need to devote a lot of time to thinking of potential topics/guests for episodes. It’s surprisingly easy to burn through things quickly and trying to come up with new ideas on the fly can be a challenge when you’re attempting to stick to a release schedule.
Saigoneer Podcast

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Phuong Nguyen
Podcasting is a fascinating journey, you’ll go through excitement, frustration, and solitude multiple times.
There’s so much I wish I knew before starting this journey. Nonetheless, as a Vietnamese podcaster since 2016, one thing that could have made my journey different is having a teammate!
If it’s not possible then at least join a community, or in my case creating a group on social media calling for whoever wants to try podcasting. Many podcasters struggle with consistency, having new content ideas, and gaining recognition. They can fight those problems with support from just a small community.
The Blue Expat