How To Make Your Podcast Conversational So People ACTUALLY listen

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How To Make Your Podcast Conversational So People ACTUALLY listen

If you have a podcast, try these tips to make your podcast more conversational and engaging so people ACTUALLY listen!

Host Seven Million Bikes

By Niall Mackay

Podcasting is the best medium to show how authentic or passionate you are about your niche. The competition is getting harder every day as more people start their podcast shows and companies are expanding their shows too.

What should you do to make your podcast stand out and make your listeners turn into your biggest fans?

Try out these 6 tips to make your podcast show conversational so people actually listen!

6 Tips To Make Podcasts More Conversational

Prepare A Podcast Outline

The best way to stay on track and keep your listeners engaged is to keep an outline next to you. If you are having a new guest on your show, who has no idea how to act on podcast episodes, (such as rambling on that one question that was supposed to be a short introduction!!!) a well-prepared questionnaire helps you and the guest to stay on track.

Do your homework, research your guest’s achievements, the topic of that given episode to build up a podcast episode structure.

It’ll save time during production and post-production time. This way you give podcast editors an easy time cutting and remixing your recorded audio files. 

And who doesn’t want to speed things up?!

Use The “Treasure Hunting” Technique

Don’t you miss those childhood days when you pretended to hunt for treasure in the backyard? 

Let’s bring that feeling back to your listeners too.

The Treasure hunting technique is not new to journalism. It simply means that as a host, you introduce the key question or mystery element to the beginning of your episode and let people find their gems throughout the conversation.

For example, you invite a producer to discuss the latest tactics for producing the best podcast introduction music to hook listeners.

You’ve got people’s attention because you introduced the catchy topic that people in your audience would like to hear, plus you got someone put as an “expert” when it comes to music production.

Combine the Treasure Hunting technique with the podcast outline and you’ve got yourself a unique treasure hunting map for your listeners to become Captain Hook.

conversational podcast

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Personal

Authenticity is one of the key reasons why people are hooked to podcasts, according to Stan Richards School of Public Relations and Advertising.

No wonder, since a new consumer group jumped into the market – Gen Z’s. The young and skeptical generation group grew up staring at false advertising and fake social media. They are now entering their adulthood and making companies and entrepreneurs shift their content to be authentic and honest. 

This means that as a podcaster, you’ve got a group of young people listening to your content and BOUNCE if you show off as an influencer wanna-be. 

So, skip the salesy talk, and show your real voice. 

Ask your guest or co-host a personal story. As an interviewer or host, showing some sign of vulnerability can create a connection between you and the audience.

Am I saying that you share every single detail of your personal life? NO.

What I’m referring to is sharing some of your personal experience that relates to your show, your guests’ conversation or passion – you should go for it!

Show your audience that you went through similar struggles, highlights or problems. Your listeners will trust you and relate to you.

Talk To Your Listeners

Dozens or thousands of people are listening to you. What would be more engaging than bringing your listeners into the conversation, too? 

Social Media

In my previous post on improving your solo podcast, one of my tips is to ask your audience a question in the middle of the podcast and let them answer on your social media. For this, set up a podcast show’s social media page on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. While they are listening to your show, they can tweet their answers on Twitter or enter a mini give-away game on Instagram.

Q&A Games

You can also encourage listeners for a Q&A and let them answer in your podcast show. What’s next? Answer those questions in the NEXT episode! You just encouraged people to not only listen, interact but also to keep them excited for the next episode. 

The choice is yours just aim for bringing actual engagement to your show, let your audience to be heard and listened to.

Stay Consistent

Consistency is KEY. Are you tired of this saying already? Let me tell you one more time:


As a podcaster, you are a content creator too. Keep up a consistent schedule when you publish podcast episodes and promote them on your social media channels and e-mail list. 

Let people know that your show is a dedicated channel where they can rely on your great content on a regular basis.  

Don’t Sell Stuff Every Episode

Don’t be that person who sells their stuff ALL. THE. TIME. Podcast ads had the highest skipping rate on video podcasts, but for audio podcasters, the promotion time could be valuable for creators and useful for listeners. 

If you have an audio podcast and have built up a loyal listenership then people are more likely to support your show when you mention products, services, or subscriptions.

However, overselling is just going to kill your podcast efforts. Unless you are part of a podcast network, ads are inevitable in your episodes. However, if you are just starting out and building your listenership then keep your sales to special episodes or to the end of the show. 

Remember, that the more engaging and trustworthy host you are the more listeners will trust YOU. As a result, eventually buy from you, anyways.

Make People Listen To Your Podcast

After the three years of my podcasting journey, I reached the 30,000 downloads benchmark on A Vietnam Podcast show.

This journey has taught me that sometimes changing things up and bringing in these 7 tips can really make the difference in a show. All you have to care about are your listeners and bring the best possible content to them to like you and trust you.

Some of these tips are also mentioned in my latest blog, on how to improve your solo podcast. As a beginner with less co-host experience, you may want to read more on that first. 

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