AI Descript – My AI Podcasting Assistant

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Imagine this: you’re struck with inspiration for your next episode, but the words are just out of reach. AI-powered language models can be your creative muse, generating engaging scripts or helping you refine your thoughts with a touch of linguistic finesse. Let me introduce to you my AI podcasting assistant in today’s post – Descript.

I’m Niall Mackay, The Podcast Guy. If you read my old blog posts, you may know Descript. I always recommend it when it comes to podcast editing. However, I will introduce it with a new role today, an AI tool. Lately, Descript has just updated some new AI actions that can help podcasters in creating podcast content.

I’m eager to share them with you now!

AI Podcasting Assistant – The Pros and Cons

While AI brings significant benefits to podcasting, it’s essential for podcasters to approach its integration thoughtfully, balancing automation with the human touch to maintain authenticity and address potential challenges.


Let’s find out the benefits that AI tools bring to podcasters.

Efficiency and Time Savings

AI can automate many of the tasks involved in podcasting, such as content creation, promotion, and audience engagement. This can save podcasters a lot of time and allow them to focus on other aspects of their podcast.

Automated transcription services, for example, alleviate the painstaking process of manually transcribing audio content, allowing podcasters to allocate more time to content creation and audience engagement.

Creative Assistance

AI’s ability to generate ideas, draft scripts, and suggest creative edits acts as a collaborative partner in the content creation process. This creative assistance can inspire podcasters, sparking new ideas and approaches to storytelling, and ultimately enhancing the overall narrative.

AI can help podcasters reach a wider audience by generating social media posts, creating transcripts, and designing thumbnails. For example, AI can be used to generate social media posts that are tailored to specific platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook. AI can also be used to create transcripts of podcast episodes, which can make the podcast more accessible to listeners who are deaf or hard of hearing. Additionally, AI can be used to design thumbnails for podcast episodes, which can help the podcast stand out in search results.

This can help podcasters to attract new listeners and to grow their audience. 

Audience Insights

AI analytics provide podcasters with a treasure trove of data, offering insights into listener behavior, preferences, and demographics. Armed with this information, podcasters can fine-tune their content strategy, delivering episodes that resonate with their audience and foster increased engagement.

In addition to the pros mentioned above, AI has the potential to revolutionize podcasting in other ways as well. For example, AI could be used to:

  • Create personalized podcast recommendations for listeners.
  • Develop new ways for listeners to interact with podcasts, such as through chatbots and voice assistants.
  • Generate new forms of podcast content, such as interactive podcasts and podcasts that are tailored to specific interests.


While AI has the potential to improve podcasting in many ways, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. For example:


AI tools are trained on large datasets of text, code, and other data. This means that they can be very accurate at tasks such as generating text, translating languages, and writing different kinds of creative content. However, AI tools are not perfect, and they can sometimes make mistakes.

For example, an AI tool that is trained on a dataset of news articles may be able to generate very realistic-looking fake news articles. Similarly, an AI tool that is trained on a dataset of social media posts may be able to generate posts that are very similar to those generated by humans, but which may contain inaccurate or misleading information.

It is important to be aware of the potential for AI tools to make mistakes, and to carefully review the output of AI tools before publishing it.

Here are some tips for improving the accuracy of AI tools:

  • Use a large and diverse dataset to train the AI tool. This will help to reduce the risk of bias in the AI tool.
  • Carefully review the output of the AI tool for errors. This is especially important for tasks that involve generating text or translating languages.
  • Use multiple AI tools to generate the same output. This can help to identify and correct errors.

Lack of creativity

AI tools can be very good at generating new content ideas, but they cannot replace human creativity. AI tools are trained on datasets of existing content, and they can only generate new content that is similar to the content that they have been trained on.

For example, an AI tool that is trained on a dataset of news articles will be able to generate new news articles, but the new articles will be similar to the articles in the training dataset in terms of style, tone, and content.

Human creativity is the ability to come up with new and original ideas. AI tools cannot do this on their own. However, AI tools can be used to supplement human creativity. For example, an AI tool can be used to generate a list of potential new content ideas, which a human can then review and select from.

AI Actions in Descript 

Descript is one of my number one editing tools. It is an all-in-one video and podcast editing platform that uses artificial intelligence to streamline and simplify the editing process. It allows users to transcribe, edit, and mix their audio and video content with ease, even if they have no prior editing experience.

Now it has updated some new features of AI actions that help podcasters generate ideas. Descript’s AI can help you save time by automating many of the tasks involved in creating content descriptions, show notes, and social media posts. By using Descript’s AI, you can focus on creating great content, without having to worry about the time-consuming tasks involved in promoting it.

AI Podcasting Assistant

To use the AI actions, you can record your audio/video podcasts by Descript, or drag and drop a file and then search for the feature you want to use.

Here are the new features:

Write YouTube Descriptions

A good YouTube description is essential for getting more views and engagement for your videos. It should be clear, concise, and informative, and it should include relevant keywords. Descript’s AI can help you write a great YouTube description by automatically generating a summary of your video, including chapters and timecodes.

Generate Podcast Show Notes

Podcast show notes are a great way to promote your podcast and attract new listeners. They should include a summary of your episode, as well as links to any resources mentioned in the episode. Descript’s AI can help you to generate show notes quickly and easily, by automatically generating a summary of your episode and creating chapters with timestamps.

Both YouTube and Google Podcasts use the information in your descriptions and show notes to index your content. By including relevant keywords and information in your descriptions and show notes, you can improve your search engine ranking and make it more likely that people will find your content.

Generate Social Media Posts

Sharing your podcast on Facebook or other social media sites is a great way to promote your podcast or YouTube channel. However, it can be time-consuming to create social media posts for each episode or video. Descript’s AI can help you to save time by automatically generating social media posts for you, tailored to the specific platform you are posting on.

Writing Social Posts

Add Chapters To Your Audio And Video Content

Chapters make it easy for viewers and listeners to find specific parts of your audio and video content. Descript’s AI can automatically add chapters to your content, based on your transcript or audio waveform.

Summarize your video or audio content

A video or audio summary is a great way to give viewers and listeners a quick overview of your content. It can also be used as a show description or social media post. Descript’s AI can automatically generate a summary of your video or audio content, saving you time and effort.

Ask AI anything

Descript’s AI can be used to generate new content ideas, write scripts, and even come up with outrageous social media copy. Simply ask the AI a question and it will generate a response.

Tips to Use AI Effectively

Understand The Capabilities And Limitations Of AI tools

AI tools are trained on large amounts of data, which allows them to perform many tasks that would be difficult or impossible for humans to do. For example, AI tools can be used to:

  • Generate text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content.
  • Identify and classify objects in images and videos.
  • Make predictions about future events.
  • Automate tasks such as scheduling, routing, and customer service.

However, AI tools are not perfect. They can sometimes make mistakes, especially if they are not trained on enough data or if the data is not representative of the real world. It is important to be aware of the limitations of AI tools and to use them carefully.

Choose The Right AI Tools For Your Needs

There is a wide variety of AI tools available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some AI tools are designed for specific tasks, such as image recognition or natural language processing. Other AI tools are more general-purpose and can be used for a variety of tasks.

When choosing AI tools, it is important to consider your specific needs and goals. For example, if you need an AI tool to generate text, you will want to choose a tool that is specifically designed for that task. If you need an AI tool to automate tasks, you will want to choose a tool that is designed for that task and that is compatible with your existing systems.

Use AI Tools To Supplement Human Skills, Not Replace Them

AI tools can be used to automate many tasks, but they cannot replace human creativity and judgment. AI tools are best used to supplement human skills, not to replace them.

For example, an AI tool can be used to generate a list of potential content ideas for a blog post. However, a human writer is still needed to review the list of ideas and select the best ones. The human writer will also need to write the blog post in their own voice and style.

Similarly, an AI tool can be used to identify and classify objects in images. However, a human expert is still needed to review the results of the AI tool and to make sure that they are accurate.

By using AI tools to supplement human skills, businesses can improve their productivity and efficiency without sacrificing creativity or quality.

Descript AI Actions – Conclusion

AI tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, capable of performing a wide range of tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of humans. These tools can be used to automate tasks, generate creative content, and provide insights that would be difficult or impossible to obtain otherwise.

Descript lately updated its AI tools, along with editing features. You can now record, edit and generate show notes or social posts for your episode, only on one app- Descript. Why don’t you give it a try, sign now

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